September Dawns

As dawn pierces the day ever later at this time of year, My soul awaits the presence of the Lord of All Creation, the Light of Christ, Sophia Wisdom.

A new school year begins. This fall semester, my subjects are not academic ones like English, Math, Psychology, History, Art and Science.

My textbooks have titles like “Ink and Honey” and “The Way of Belle Coeur,” (1)  “Womanpriest,” “Life is Goodbye, Life is Hello,” “At the Foot of the Mountain,” (2) and “The Soul of the Pilgrim,” “Eyes of the Heart” and “Water, Wind, Earth and Fire.” (3)

These books are written by women primarily for women who are, like me, yearning to learn Wisdom, Forgiveness, Compassion, Healing, Kindness, Gratefulness, Love and Beauty.

This September, as I continue to transition from the summer to the autumn of my life,I seek the light that comes to me in what seems an ever darkening world.

This flickering light beckons me to be still and to listen ~ really listen ~ to the stirrings of my heart.  Lectio Divina ~ read, stop, pause, reflect, listen, and write the wisdom and knowledge that flows to me from the heart of God… from that place deep within my beautiful heart where the fire of the Spirit burns ever more intensely as September Dawns once again.

Authors of Books referenced: (1) Sibyl Dana Reynolds, (2) Alla Renee Bozarth, and (3) Christine Valters Paintner.  You can learn more about them by checking their websites, and most of their books can be purchased on

